To remedy this, some software tools allow you to continue using most features if you lose your connection. If you have any question, please feel free to let me know. A Wordfast support representative gets to you within a few hours (if not in few minutes) even in weekends and holidays. Highly reliant on an Internet connection. Click on Contact the Hotline and click on Hotline/support for Wordfast Classic/Professional.However, there is no consensus in the IT world whether the risk is higher on web-based platforms than on desktop programs, where data can be erased, stolen, or lost. There is always a risk of data being hacked online.

Updates and bug fixes are frequent and immediate. Wordfast Classic enables you to access up to 3 glossaries simultaneously right inside of the MS Word interface without the need to run a separate terminology management tool.It’s easier to collaborate with others online.You can access it on any device with an Internet connection.At worst, this can be one sentence, whereas you can lose everything on a desktop computer. Translations are saved in real time so you won’t lose any data.You can work from any operating system, whether it’s Windows, MacOS, or even a variation of Linux.
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